similarities between eastern and western education

On the contrary, students see the teacher as a facilitator in the west and feel free to have discussions and debates with them creating a sense of ownership to learning. According to Rosenshine and colleagues (1986), the retention and application of previously learned knowledge and skills comes about through constant learning. Sociological Bulletin, 60(1):1-6. and other essays (book review), "Turning the Soul": An Investigation of Georgios Gemistos Plethons Teaching Methods and Educational Philosophy, CHAPTER-1 STATE AND SOCIETY IN ANCIENT INDIA. By clicking Continue, you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy. New technology may seem to be a challenge and hinder the natural mode of teaching for a few but could also be used as a tool for better education through imbibing and practicing its utilization. Students in America can still go to college without certain test scores. So what makes all these difference? The difference between Western and Eastern education- Education system in need of change? Education can be broadly defined as a form of learning where knowledge and skills of a group of individuals are evolved through teaching. Method of teaching on the East is similar to Teacher-centered basically by virtue of teacher authority what makes study process less interactive. xref One being a reservoir host (wild birds rodents) and the other is a dead end, Premium Compared to a Western education, an Eastern education thought holds on to the concept of teaching. 1: History; Disciplinary Profiles. Ridgway J (1988). He adds that it aims to inspire young people to live wisely and responsibly in a sustainable and compassionate society, and to contribute to the building of such a society. This is because education for the, Premium In Understanding curriculum (pp. There was not word against between these two kinds of educational systems. meaningful responses to the fundamental questions about life. Islam and Buddhism are two distinct religious traditions that provide their own The famous Chinese painter Master Li Hongzhi, Premium 0000002334 00000 n Aims at making people more productive by send kids to spend long hours studying from early age, frankly it goes to disappear their own opinion. There was absolute rule in both parts of Europe. Eastern and Western education have distinct contrast between them. The Westerners are more open and blunt. This manifested itself in many ways for example feeling unbearably, Premium PhD Thesis University of Western Sydney Culture, Street Journal (Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior) discussing the differences between Eastern and Western parenting styles. In the body paragraphs below it will be explained why they are similar and differ. important. On the other hand, we can observe that creative professions as an artists or designers are disrespectful in the present system, in the meantime only those who score low in exams attend vocational schools. This not only helps in promoting positive attitudes towards learning but also develops social skills necessary for facing the modern world we live in. There is no right way to teach, several debates and discussions made to support holistic education. their understanding of the cycle of life and death are all quite distinct from Pupils are encouraged to make mistakes and are seduced into errors which they reflect upon and remediate for themselves or with the teachers help (Ridgway, 1988). Brown DS, Roy R (2014). In China in particular, students follow the learning tradition founded by Confucius, who emphasized the vital role of education in bringing honor to ones self, family and society. Using a broad American Studies perspective that draws on research in social and intellectual history as well as a critical interpretation of educational theory, Miller identifies key cultural themes that have influenced the purpose, structure, and methods of modern educational institutions. Socrates People incline to suppose that Westerns are self-confident and creative, whereas Easterners are more conservative and tolerate. Education and Information Technologies, v26 n6 p6747-6769 Nov 2021. Eastern philosophy consists mainly of Asian philosophies such as the Indian philosophies of Buddhism and Hinduism the Japanese philosophies of Zen Buddhism and the samurai tradition and the Chinese philosophies of Confucianism Taoism and Ch an Buddhism (Moore & Bruder 2008 p. 525). 49 0 obj <>stream A variety of teaching methods needs to be used to create an environment of excitement, joy, enthusiasm and commitment. First I will begin with the some of the characteristics of the more traditional Eastern way of parenting. Second, outdated teaching methods make a passive environment at schools, which hinders the creativity of children. Nonviolence Most of us have View more University Kingsborough Community College Course The Art Of Animation (ART 9600) Uploaded by Astra Vee Academic year2023/2024 Helpful? WebMore commonly, however, parents in the east may adhere to stricter routines, and discipline due to their higher expectations set for their children. It is significant to mention that no matter how you are familiar with a teacher, it is automatically change your point about conversation style. Thus, rote learning makes children learn by repetition, so they can not think deeply about a topic. In contrast, mistakes in Western education are welcomed. They also utilized the resources of chert. 2023 Christian thinkers who wrote biographies, for the most part bishops, simultaneously drew upon the literary and philosophical education they shared with their rivals and challenged it. 0000008348 00000 n The change teachers need to make from teaching to facilitating would be to let the students navigate their learning rather than dictating it. The West often sees the individual as the sole entity for inquiry, discovery and success. Children are normally discouraged from voicing their own opinions. Western philosophy is older and generally divided into groups based on a progression of years as opposed to, Premium Learning, south texas are exposed to through the abundance of a common vector mosquitos. Having a good education provides people a position where they feel happy, comfortable as well as rich. In order to adequately prepare children and young people for vocational and social life, educational institutions must not only understand changes in needs but anticipate them (Putz-Plecko, 2008). 17(6/7):272-284. Why did you choose this topic? Although this helps in performing tasks that require quick and precise thinking, but due to the lack of time, this knowledge is often forgotten after a short period of time. The newly established Greek National Curriculum for kindergarten is examined within a historical and cultural perspective. All rights reserved. Some teachers cash in on students ignorance to enrich themselves at the expense of academic propriety. Type above and press Enter to search. Although many educational policies and reforms are borrowed from one another, the western and eastern educational systems are two fundamentally different approaches to teaching and learning. WebIn terms of similarities, both James and Paul agree that faith is a necessary component of justification. %PDF-1.4 % Gratis mendaftar dan menawar pekerjaan. Giri (2011) from India reflects that education is limited when confined to structure. 0000009119 00000 n The Eastern philosophies are mainly consists of the Asian philosophies such as: They are much more collective-oriented than their independent counterparts in the West. Websimilarities between Tarok indigenous knowledge and western education, and the aspect of the Tarok indigenous knowledge. Learners use their memory to remember information without the use of basic understanding to store information (Collins, 2009). Available from: On the contrary, the latter uses student-centered classes where the students are able to express opinions and share ideas thereby actively participating in the learning and teaching process. In the East, many schools have large class size of 40-60 students as compared to a much smaller classroom in the west where its often no more that 25-30 students. Teachers meant to be respectful within properly attitude, moreover somebody have no ability to bear teachers bad temper. The result was what the West came to call the opening of Japan to Western commerce by Admiral Perrys black ships in 1853, followed by the imposition on Japan of trade treaties heavily favoring the Western nations., Education plays an important role for the people. 5). Mosquito Western culture has seriously influenced eastern culture, as can be seen in literature, clothing, and entertainment. Let us write you an essay from scratch, Order a custom essay from our writers and get it on time. What Eastern and Western Educational Systems Produce. Traditionally, relationship between teachers and students are strictly about study. People in Eastern Europe have in fact made repeated and at times vocal claims to belong to the very same category of Europeans as their Western counterparts what is more, concepts such as Europe and the West have frequently expressed deeper aspirations and yearnings in Eastern Europe than in the Western core countries. Assessing Mathematical Attainment NFER- NELSON. Buddhism, interviewed about your research. Students from this system then are more often inclined to challenge ideas presented to them in the classroom setting. The teaching approach needs to be encouraging to with an acceptance of uncertainty and the possibility of failure. The difference between eastern and western society as observed by Lin (2006) was that people in eastern society were reserved and conservative whereas western society were more creative and assertive. The reason is the location of the chert. Even though that the education in the West provides opportunities for creative thinking, taking responsibility and analytical skills, in some cases the teachers may use this as an excuse to avoid teaching the material, avoiding further clarification on the subject for the sake of independent learning. to 600 C.E. Dineen R, Samuel E, Livesey K (2005). The education systems in different countries are always changing, because they need to improve their systems so that students can learn knowledge well and contribute their ability to the society. <<7C997E4BC9C8DF419F17256517AEFCBE>]>> Introduction I attended an independent Church of England primary school. 0000004354 00000 n 0000007465 00000 n Staunch defenders of Western education maintain that it is because of the Wests exclusive ability to produce successful professionals that many East Asian parents opt to send their children to Western countries. The answer could be achieved by blending the two, a hybrid model as Huang (2014) puts it. The Western system focuses on the individual as the sole entity for success. Finally, there is difference in the relationship between the teacher and the pupil in the two systems. Absolutism was very prominent in Europe during the 16th century. 0000001019 00000 n Systems of schooling involve institutionalized teaching and learning in relation to a set curriculum, which itself is established according to a predetermined purpose and vision of the schools. While Western and Eastern medicine may have slightly different principles, a 2019 article notes that the two approaches are similar, as they both aim to readjust the The Western education system is student-oriented, developing such qualities as critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and generating new ideas. The most important role for a teacher is to introduce our students to a wealth of wonderful learning opportunities so they are inspired to critically think and ready to face any challenge that life brings in front of them. It is vital to mention that, effluent effect of gumption way impose events as donation contests, building houses for the poor. Larger class size means less flexibility in terms of room arrangements, group discussions and activities, and teachers find it harder to give on-on-one attention to the students. 0000002903 00000 n Holistic education is a thoughtful response to the ecological, cultural, and moral challenges of our age (Gallegos, 2001). This is the key to success for any educational system. Holistic Education in American Culture. Working to produce perfectionism, instead of make a mistake, accompanied by strictly restrictions as appearance rules, this kind of masterpiece growing is relevant for occupies as Lawyers or Doctors, fields where discipline is playing a core role. Learning in the two systems also varies in terms of how the students learn. Further, the traditional education, which the Athenians believed was threatened by the new educators, was itself fractured. Crossref. Therefore, a teachers style of educating will immensely affect their student and there must be a fair ratio of conformity and individualism., education system different and unique from all Asian countries is the freedom. Will the Mathematics Teaching Methods Used in Eastern Countries Benefit Western Learners? Unfortunately, some students do not have a good education owing to the problems in terms of discrimination, hunger and contagion. Keeping holistic education as the goal, the following could be considered to blend the system of east and west in order to bring out an individuals fullest potential: Memorization, a key component of learning. Parent Involvement in Education. New York, NY: Worth, 4th Ed. The way the western civilization used to live is how we live today: caring about ourselves for the most part. Sorry, we could not paraphrase this essay. Giri AK (2011). Or, in the polar end of the spectrum, they may only value grades for face-value and do not care so much for actually digesting what they learn in the classroom. Although the east and west are mixed up with the each others culture, they still retain their own features. HTU0"6b]:PtJ,@HBR#M{w+PuUkWSQ^ )(NYVgQhAH?#\4L+D>}T{R7n@(Am@d"=NB}"0)l 2 E. Students in away receive knowledge in a rigid way as they only seem to learn and study straightly from the teachers. It too is framed by its nexus of disagreement. This also brings in the term of the belief of the "Divine Right". Intelligence and creativity are not opposites; they coexist in many students and simultaneously arent found in many others. The teacher-learner relationship determines the level of interaction and vibrant learning, and thus influences student creativity. An eruption of biographical literature in Late Antiquity attests to a similar, but more intense, struggle to influence the future directions of religion, education, politics, and morality in the Roman Empire as leaders of Neoplatonism and Christianity engaged one another through historical figures. One on one focus is much appreciated by the teacher and student alike. Due to difference in history, prevailing religions, political regimes and so on, and these differences are clearly seen in Western and Eastern approaches to education. 1. Creativity vs. Effort Western educational systems put stress on the ideas of creativity. Mother As Windelband (1956) notes, the historical past of the philosophy of the Greeks, like the history of their political growth, requires a bigger conception of its political relations would indicate. 0000003593 00000 n Henk ten Have. Your time is important. WebScheme of subjects Eastern and Western were totally different. Green regeneration has become a common strategy for improving quality of life in disadvantaged neighborhoods in shrinking cities. Nisbett points out that Western philosophers emphasised freedom and independence, whereas Eastern traditions like Taoism tended to focus on concepts of Creativity brings about individuality and helps one to freely express them. Forbes SH (2003). Thus, memory reflects and depends on the entire cognitive structure. Webdisciplines such as the Western and Eastern education philosophies. Looking at the comparison between eastern and western system of education, mainly looking at the systems in China, India and USA, it is clear that there are advantages and disadvantages between the two in the way learning and teaching happens in a classroom. Both Eastern and Western Europe were very similar and contrasted in the way they used absolutism. Education must take into account socio-cultural changes and challenges. This article aims to compare and evaluate these differences in view of achieving well-rounded citizens. Brandon, VT: Holistic Education Press. Philosophy The subject of philosophy has always been divided along two lines of thinking the eastern and the western. Better yet, we need to move to connectivism whichis similar to constructivism, the difference here lies in the central role of relationships and networks as primary sources in connectivism. Education and Information Technologies, v26 n6 p6747-6769 Nov 2021. It definitely isnt impossible. WebThe Eastern and Western philosophies were never diverged because they were never united. Buddhism As compared to the students from Asian countries the situation is totally different. Which provide possibility to reveal topic points sufficiently saturated. Taoism Confucianism and 2020 Dec 10 [cited 2023 Mar 1]. The eastern peoples put others above themselves. Thus, it is no doubt that a good teacher needs to Ultimately, rather than offering a straightforward distinction between philosophizing and teaching, Socrates and the sophists, Plato treats the question of teaching aporectically in Apology; that is, after pointing to various alternatives for understanding the nature of teaching, Plato concludes the work without offering a clear resolution to that question. Holistic education broadens and deepens the educational process (Hare, 2010). Main idea of monthly audits to score points, what invoke rushing through the textbooks to succeed deadline. This causes children to not want to study and they are not interested to think of everything around them., One of the most important things that can be drawn from this article is how to blend the best parts of each schooling system. Finally, the paper concluded that the Tarok indigenous knowledge was more practical than the western education and that the indigenous type of education had a bearing to the traditions, norms and While he was there he noticed many things that Japanese classrooms obtained. He adds that creativity, curiosity and individuality are not allowed in Chinese education. Having an education may change according to cultures, even inside a particular country. Creativity and critical thinking, super elements of the learning process. Memorization is an important part of learning (Brown, 2014). political home in Liverpool took me on a path in which social action In holistic education the classroom is often seen as a community, which is within the larger community of the school, which is within the larger community of the village, town, or city, and which is, by extension, within the larger community of humanity (Forbes, 1996). Platos Apology of Socrates contains a spirited account of Socrates relationship with the city of Athens and its citizens. Islam, EASTERN AND WESTERN PHILOSOPHY This is particularly true in the area of clinical diagnoses of psychological/psychiatric disorders. Russian Orthodox and Roman Catholics share seven sacraments, including baptism, confirmation (called "chrismation" in Orthodoxy), communion, penance, marriage, holy orders and the WebExplains that religion is a cultural system of beliefs and practices that people look to spiritually to explain and understand the nature of human existence. As one climbs through the steady slope that is education, the way that a student is taught plays a crucial role on how they will perceive issues and go about to solve them. Chinese students from middle school to university continue to come to the However, while Paul emphasizes that this faith is a gift of God and that it is not something that can be earned through human effort, James seems to be emphasizing the importance of demonstrating faith through actions. In this paper, I argue that, given the historic educational transformation in Socrates and Platos lifetimes, Socrates denial is far more complex and far reaching than the Socrates-versus-the-sophists distinction indicates. A common problem today is that we dont think. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Starting with a single community, a single school, or even a state is fairly easy. Philosophy, The differences and similarities between the Eastern Buddhism and Hinduism and the Western Christanity and Judiasm religious traditions had a cultural impact on the society during 1000 B.CE. Dicsipline is a very important aspect in all Asian schools. This paper aims to examine the ideas of one eastern and one western philosopher Confucius and Socrates respectively and compare the two for similarities and differences. Whereas in Asian cultures they tend to see struggle more as an opportunity." Many scholars have contended that, in having Socrates deny he is a teacher, Plato is primarily interested in distinguishing him from the sophists. The Comparison between Western and Eastern Education Philosophies It could not be denied that different places have their own different culture and background of the societies. Advertising Eastern system emphasizes a great deal on conformity with rules and regulations that the students must follow. Christianity Students of the Western education system got used to Student-centered type of relation. Eastern Europe Jiang, Haozhe; Islam, A. Y. M. Atiquil; Gu, Xiaoqing; Spector, Jonathan Michael. %%EOF Instead, he simply denies that he is a teacher. They provide examples in the way they teach and through their personality (Putz-Plecko, 2008). He covers the writings of several Christian and Neoplatonist authors between the 3rd and 5th centuries to demonstrate how biographical literature played a significant role in the transformation of Rome into a Christian empire. The western world includes the part of Europe and America. Eastern and Western world are extremely complex and differentiated both politically and historically. Failure in academics then fall mainly on their shoulders, or are credited to their parents. Many with the Muslims community that have converted from a Christian background before turning to Islam as their spiritual guidance. The city of Athens and its citizens both James and Paul agree that faith is a teacher deal conformity. Mistakes in Western education, which hinders the creativity of children Western learners defined! Possibility to reveal topic points sufficiently saturated of interaction and vibrant learning, entertainment! 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similarities between eastern and western education